Well I figured that I should probably start writing in this, seeing as I'm going to France in approx. five months! I'll start from the beginning:
November 2008: I had my first interview with Rotary Brampton, I thought it went really well. Then I got a call saying that it did go well, but when I called John Lomax back he said that Meaghan had gotten accepted but he wanted to send my application to Rotary Mississauga. Okay fine, send it. I knew that I did well at my second interview, they laughed and joked around. I was so sure I was in. And obviously I got accepted.
January 2009: This is when the Bolton meeting was held, and it was also where we got to meet each other for the first time, well everyone but Kenzie, whom we met at a later date. I was so nervous when I got my name called for the first out of four mini interviews. In between we had "mini games," I guess you could call them where we basically got to know more about each other than just our names.
February 2009: The Beginning 1-4; Those four days were dedicated to Wanakita! I have to say that was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! Meeting those close to forty inbounds and outbounds has surely changed my life. The activities we did, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and even that six hour snowshoe trek helped me realize just how amazing they were. Especially when we were skiing and I skidded down the hill on my stomach, no one laughed, even though I'm sure they were preoccupied talking amongst themselves. Those kids from around the world will always mean something to me, no matter how cheesy that sounds.
February 22nd: The day the world changed.
I gotta say, that I was not expecting this day to come so fast! I remember in Bolton, Beth saying how there was like fifty days until the 22nd. And as I was counting down, it did really hit me until I realized that i was no longer writing double digits on my facebook, or msn, they were finally single! When the day came, I think that my mom was more excited then I was. (to be honest she still is!) When we, my mom, dad sister, my sisters boyfriend, my best friend Yolanda and myself got there we found a table and sat down. I relaxed for while and then I started mingling with my new found friends, that was when I realized that chances are they aren't going to be in the same country as me! Further along in the day they started calling us up. One of the first countries to go was South Africa, I heard my dad say "yes!" under his breath (sorry Kenzie!) he really didn't want me to go there. I was in the second group to get called, I didn't keep count of who was going where so I couldn't even begin to guess where I was going. I got up there, took a deep breath and opened my envelope ... France! Although it wasn't one of my top choices, I am so seriously excited for it!
So, I am counting down the months until I get to leave and begin a whole new life in France. I can not wait!
xx bisous (thanks for unintentionally teaching me that Brandi!)
South Africa wasn't my first choice either! But now that I've been sitting with the thoughts for a few days, I'm friggin wired! I wanna go to SA more than I did when I first thought I wanted to go!
ReplyDeleteThat kid better get here quick or else they're gunna pick another country for me!
You know what else sucked? Since he hasn't got here yet, I was the only one who didn't get to hug anyone when I called out my country. =(